Dec 30, 2010

Wishes For Happiness And Bliss

I just wanted to take the opportunity to wish you all a very Happy New Year.  Christmas has quickly passed, and the year 2010 is over.  Ahead lies new opportunities for cherishing those we love and living every moment fully.  I hope you take every chance to slow the quick pace of the world and embrace 'nothingness' once in a while.  It is the most healing thing you could do for yourself and those around you.

We all have many responsibilities and obligations, but happiness doesn't lie in meeting deadlines and accomplishing great feats.  It is found in the quiet, restful moments sprinkled here and there amidst the hustle and bustle of everyday life.  It's in the time spent with friends and family, the walks out in nature, and the tender moments with our children and spouses.  True bliss isn't about what you do, but how you do it.

So this year, my wish for you is to be happy all of your wakened moments.  May you find peace within while the world rushes around you and may bliss be yours in all that you do.

Be well in 2011,


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