Nov 25, 2010

Less Is More This Christmas

With the Holiday Season fast approaching, we’re being bombarded once again with advertisements on television, the internet and everywhere, telling us to buy this or that to make our loved ones happy.  We’re being encouraged to be all things to everyone and spend, spend, spend…

I know this will sound cliché, but that’s not what the Christmas season is about.  We all know this and yet every year, we let the stress of the shopping, baking, spending, eating, and dieting get to us and vow to do better (as in less) the following year.  And of course the following Holiday Season comes along, and we get sucked in.  Does this sound like you?

I used to let it all get to me as well.  I wanted so much to please everyone and to make sure everything was perfect.  But there’s nothing like a little reality check to make you stop the madness and do LESS.

The last few years have brought about some changes in our home, financially and otherwise.  After I stopped working, I had no choice but to slow down and really look at what matters.  The money just wasn’t there to buy expensive Christmas gifts, and physically, I wasn’t able to do as much with the festive decorating as I used to.

But guess what? Christmas came and went, just like it does every year, and it was wonderful and memorable, the way it should be.  We were with family and friends.  We shared memories, laughs and good food.

This whole ‘less is more’ concept gets lost on many people.  It’s not only important during Christmas time, it’s a way of life that should be adopted year round.  For one thing, it takes away a lot of stress when you choose to simplify your life and let go of the need to be or do too much.  It also gives your children a powerful message about not buying into the insanity of acquiring material things.

So this Christmas is going to be another simple but happy one for us.  I have no intention of mingling with the stressed out crowds in the malls and department stores or making my home look like a Norman Rockwell painting.  I'm not going to spend money I don't have, waste energy on things that aren't important, or worry about what others think.  I’ll leave that to those who think they should still do MORE… ;) 

Nov 24, 2010

Another Wallpaper For You...

This photo was taken just a few weeks ago in the garden.  It's the seedhead of a clematis flower once the petals have gone.  I love the clematis vine because it looks beautiful all year round, at all stages of growth.  The wispy strands here remind me of bird and angel feathers...

Feel free to save it as a desktop background :)

Nov 16, 2010

'Reflections'- A Collection Of Thoughts

I named this collection 'Reflections' because of the phrases that entered my mind while I was photographing.  Sometimes when I'm taking pictures this happens.  Thoughts, words or emotions emerge with each new photo I take.  So, I thought it would be fun to finally combine the two.

These prints are all available in my Etsy shoppe.

Nov 12, 2010

Through The Viewfinder-A New Twist On Vintage Photography

A few months ago, I decided to buy a vintage 1950's camera.  I had heard that some photography enthusiasts were using these old classics to give photographs a vintage feel.  This technique is known as Ttv, which stands for 'through the viewfinder'.  I found an Argus Argoflex Super Seventy-Five to try it out.  

How does Ttv work?  The technique involves taking a picture with your DSLR camera through the viewfinder of the old one.  It takes a little getting used to at first because of the position of the camera.  These are the type you look down into, so you're DSLR is pointing toward the floor, into the top of the old camera while you're shooting.  

What’s also really cool are the effects the process produces.  Not only are the photos square with rounded dark edges, the lenses are usually very dirty and scratched so you get a real nice vintage look to the digital image.  

Here’s a photo of a grouping of glass bottles taken with my DSLR alone...

…and here’s one through the viewfinder of my Argus

I'm really pleased with the results.   As much as I love digital artistic effects, using vintage equipment gives the images an aged, authentic appearance.  I plan to create an entire collection of Ttv photography for vintage art lovers.  

A few more pics that I took using Ttv:

Nov 11, 2010

New Logo!

If you've been reading my blog posts and visiting my website, you've probably noticed that the look changes every so often.  That's because I've had a hard time getting a handle on the look and feel that I want and the image I'm trying to convey about the photography I do and the person behind the work.

So after lots of contemplating and just getting down to the essence of who I am, I've settled on the look you now see here.  I hope you like it.  It's not fussy and it's simple.  Like me.  Like my art.  There you have it.

I'd love to know what you think about it, so please leave a comment.

Nov 10, 2010

All The Pretty Horses...

My brother lives on a large rural property right outside of town.  He is fortunate enough to be neighbours with some very pretty horses.  Last weekend, I went out there for a visit and got a chance to photograph these beautiful creatures as they grazed and played in the field next door.  I watched them more than I shot them, but here are a few pics from that delightful afternoon.

Nov 1, 2010

Square Is In - New Items In Etsy Store

My Etsy Shoppe is now open. It features my most recent prints in 5x7 and 8x10, framed in cream coloured mats.

Also, I've started a new line of trendy square prints. I sell them in two popular sizes: 5x5 and 8x8.


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